James Stout
February 16, 1940 - February 28, 2002
Following is a eulogy which I read at my Dad's funeral
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My Dad is a good Man. Notice I did not say my dad was a good man. That’s because I believe that he is still very much alive, and I expect to see him again. We’re here to celebrate that part of his life that he has spent here with us.

So often we don’t get to say how we really feel about people until it’s too late for them to hear it themselves. But I want to read a tribute to you that I was privileged to be able to share with my dad a year ago Christmas. The Lord had put it on my heart to honor him and so I wrote this and read it to him while he was still here to receive it. I’m so glad today that I did. Here is the best way I can describe my dad:


My Dad

The Bible says that if a man won’t work neither shall he eat. One thing for certain, my Dad was never afraid of work, and his family was never hungry. Throughout the whole time I lived in his home I don’t remember my Dad ever calling in sick to work.

The Bible says that if a man won’t provide for his own household he is worse than an unbeliever. Well its true that Dad didn’t have us in Church every Sunday, and he may even regret that now, but he surely provided for his family. I never knew hunger as a kid, clothing and shelter were never concerns of mine. We lived in the same house from the time I was 2, and I had the same parents. It would be years before I realized that everyone was not so fortunate, and even longer to realize the incredible value of these things, and the great effort that it took to bring it about.

But my Dad was not a quitter. He was a man who believed in finishing what he started, even when it was harder than he thought it would be. He believed in doing what he said he would do, because he said he would. He taught  me how to fight for what I believe in, even if it looked impossible to win. He never backed down as long as he thought he was right, no matter how hard the challenge. When the going got rough, I really don’t think Dad knew how to quit, even if he wanted to.

The Bible says let us not love with words and tongue, but with actions and in truth. My Dad didn’t express his love with words often, but as I look back on his actions there is little to be doubted. Not just his tireless example of hard work and providing, but also the unexpected things that happen along the way. Like the time the principle took my ring, I had thought Dad was going to be angry with me, but I was busting with pride after he completely supported me and made them back down. Right or wrong, an act of love. And also the time I got expelled, and Dad got me put back in school, or when the 17 year old down the street threatened me  or the man next door offered to make me eat a hammer, there was no mistaking whose son I was then. My Dad was willing to defend me at any cost. Again when I needed help paying for a car accident, dad was there with a lawyer, and with the funds I needed. Thanks Dad.

My Dad taught me to tell the truth, to never steal, and to stand up and defend those who were weaker than I. He also taught me how to work with my hands, to never give up, never back down from a challenge, to be proud of who I was, and to believe that I could be anything I set my mind to become. He also taught me the value and power of knowledge. He wanted his children to have a good education, and was willing to suffer himself in order to see to it.

I believe that God knows the plans He has for each of us, and has chosen us fathers uniquely equipped to prepare us for those plans. As a man myself, when I look at the trials I’ve come through and the victories I’ve won, so often I see the virtues and character I learned from my Dad. It is those qualities that have made me who I am. As I endeavor to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, I recognize the God given integrity and determination I have learned from My Dad as a gift from the Lord. Thank you Dad, I appreciate, respect, and love you.


To James Stout from your Son. December 24, 2000

Beyond all that though, the greatest thing I can say about my dad is that he was a Christian. He was saved, and I know that I will see him again.

I don’t mean just that he displayed the Christian virtues that I mentioned before, which he lived by all his life. Some time ago I had the great privilege of being present when my dad rededicated his life to Jesus Christ and asked Him to forgive his sins and be the Lord of his Life.

He had come face to face with the question:

Not, “do you believe in god?” Not, “are you a good person?” Not even, “can God save you?” But the question, “are you forgiven?” His response was to bow his head and call on the name of Jesus asking for that forgiveness – and he received it.

There was a change in him after that, which could not be mistaken. Not just a softening of the heart, but a real confidence and hope. He enjoyed reading his bible, and he truly loved his church.

He had said concerning the sickness; “the devil will get no glory from this whatsoever. If I die I will go to heaven, and if I live I will serve Christ. Either way the devil will get no satisfaction” And I can tell you he did not.

The night before my dad went on, I had left hospice and went to church. During praise and worship we were singing the song “Yahweh”. I closed my eyes and when we were at the part “we will kneel before the maker of the universe” I saw this vision in my head:

There was a giant throne with steps going up to it. In front of it were thousands of people, all happy, praising and worshipping God. I was just walking in and looking around, like when you walk in to a crowded place and are looking for someone you know. I was looking for dad, and then I saw him, and just when I did he saw me, and we were both happy and began to move toward each other. I believe that god was showing me that it will be just like that when I get there. He will already be there, and we will be reunited.

I know I’m on solid ground with that because the bible says


(1 Th 4:13-18 NKJV)  "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. {14} For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. {15} For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. {16} For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. {17} Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. {18} Therefore comfort one another with these words."

 I don’t want to make people uncomfortable, but if you don’t have that comfort yourself, Please don’t leave this would without it. If you don’t have that confidence today, get it. Don’t leave your family and your loved ones here without that steadfast assurance and hope for you.

Jesus said “…he that believeth on me, even if he dies, yet shall he live.”

My dad lives.

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