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End of Cancer
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We Need Your Help!

There are several ways you can make a difference to this ministry:

Pray: We desire you prayers more than anything. Sometimes there seems to be a mindset that, if you can you give money, if not you give time, and if you can't do anything else, at least you can pray. We believe that mindset is backwards. If all you can do is give money then we appreciate your giving, if you are able to give your time to make a difference that is, also great, but the most needed gift for any ministry  is people just like you who really will commit themselves to take the time to pray, fervently and effectually for the furtherance of the ministry. In Ephesians 6:20 after instructions to the Church Paul asked for himself that they would Pray for him that "utterance would be given to him to make known the mystery of the gospel..."

Volunteer: If you are local and are able you may want to volunteer by spending your time either at our weekly meetings, at the JDC, or mentoring kids. Please Email us for insight on how you can get involved. If you are not local, please look for ways to become involved in your city, there are no areas where you are not needed and cannot make a difference. Please send us and email to see if we can help you become involved in your city.

Give: Of course there are a great deal of costs associated with operating any  ministry. One of the unique challenges involved in a ministry to youth, especially to the "at-risk" kids, is that they usually are from families (most often single parent homes) who are themselves living below the poverty level, and most of the kids have no income themselves to support the ministry. Therefore most of our support comes from the goodwill of people outside the ministry, and from our staff and volunteers themselves. (we currently have no paid staff). If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to our ministry please click here for instructions, but please do not feel pressured. We truly appreciate every offering and it is greatly needed, but we most of all desire your prayers and love for our ministry and our kids. If you are not able to give,  then pray that God will send those who are, and HE will. (but please take the time to pray)

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Resurrected Life Ministries
P. O. Box 1865 Springfield, Oh. 45501

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