How does the network work?
As prayer requests are received they are periodically compiled into small
groups and sent to selected Prayer Team Members.
We believe that in order to be effective the members must actually have
the time to pray for each request. In order to accomplish this we do not
send all requests to all members. Instead each member only receives a
handful of prayer requests each week which they have committed to give
earnest attention. In this way you can be assured that your prayer needs are
not simply grouped with hundreds of others where the people receiving them
might have trouble finding time to read them all.
In this way, no matter how many prayer requests the network handles, each
persons needs are individually met, and the people praying never feel like
they are overwhelmed with more requests than they can pray over. The idea is
to develop a system where even if there are 10,000 prayer requests, no one
team member will see more than 4 or 5 of them and yet all of them will
receive fervent prayer. Please pray with us as we strive toward perfecting
this system.

your testimony
Please send us your testimonies of how the Lord has responded to your
prayer needs. Just send an email to with "testimony" in the subject

In addition to our email prayer network, we expect to be listing prayer
requests and updates on this site soon so that you can browse requests, list
yours here, and read about how God has miraculously responded, so check back